VOLUME 10 , ISSUE 3 ( Sep-Dec, 2019 ) > List of Articles
I. Safreena, Ramasambasivan
Keywords : maternal stress, pregnancy outcome, antenatal mothers
Citation Information : Safreena I, Ramasambasivan. MATERNAL STRESS AND PREGNANCY OUTCOME AMONG ANTENATAL MOTHERS.. 2019; 10 (3):3-6.
DOI: 10.5958/2249-3190.2019.00021.X
License: CC BY-NC 4.0
Published Online: 01-06-2017
Copyright Statement: Copyright © 2019; The Author(s).
Stress during antenatal period varies from life events, financial and social problems. When this continues for a long time, it can lead to various health complications. A thorough understanding of the level of stress among antenatal women in India and its severity is essential for the provision of effective health care service for the antenatal women. The present study was aimed to assess the level of maternal stress and pregnancy outcome among antenatal mothers at selected hospital, Chennai. The research design was non experimental - descriptive type. Data were collected using demographic parameters and Dr. Ambreen Kazi stress scale. Results of both descriptive and inferential statistical analyses revealed that, out-of 34 samples, 9 antenatal mothers (26.47%) had mild level of stress, and 25 antenatal mothers (73.52%) had moderate level of stress. Significant association was found betwee l status and level of stress; p< 0.05.