VOLUME 10 , ISSUE 1 ( Jan-Apr, 2019 ) > List of Articles
Keywords : Parograph, efficiency, barriers, utilization
Citation Information : PARTOGRAPH, AN EFFICIENT TOOL, RARELY USED.. 2019; 10 (1):29-31.
DOI: 10.5958/2249-3190.2019.00007.5
License: CC BY-NC 4.0
Published Online: 01-08-2016
Copyright Statement: Copyright © 2019; The Author(s).
Labour is one of the most dangerous journeys that a woman undertakes. Though it is a natural process, but complications can arise at any time during its course. Following the recommendation of the World Health Organization (WHO), the Maternal and Neonatal Health (MNH) Program promotes the use of the partograph to improve the management of labor and to support decision-making regarding interventions. When used appropriately, the partograph helps health care providers identify prolonged labor and know when to take appropriate actions. A literature review was conducted to determine the efficiency of the tool and to identify the barriers for successful utilization of the partograph. It has been observed that though being very useful tool for decision making and taking corrective actions for the welfare of mother and fetus, partograph is not gaining that much popularity among care givers. Literature has indicated various reasons such as, lack of knowledge, time consuming, inability to interpret findings, too complex to understand, lack of clarity and guidelines; as the reasons for not implementing the partograph.